Monday, September 21, 2009

Snake hips

                      Messing around with how to post videos and found this in the dusty corner of the laptop from when I was obsessed with the twenties ... This is actually really cool even though the singing is pretty bad....   also is anyone even reading this?? sorry this is not much of a post but I have some homework to do plus who says short is bad? 

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Whoo hoo!! Messing around with my new polaroid pogo printer and I finally printed something!!  Haven't gotten it to work with my ipod or computer or but it worked with my phone! printed one and put it on my sketchbook its from the posters! These really turned out badly but it kinda gives you a feeling of the moment right?

Posters poster in a toaster

Sunday night sitting here bobbing my head to the Charlie Brown theme song and remembered my attempt at blogging. Today I had ramen! Veery yummy (and pretty how they arrange it all...) and when we were walking out to our car I noticed some really awesome posters! Recently I have been contemplating the lost art of posters but it is not so on Capitol Hill. I was shocked by the amount of super beautiful stuff! I recall I called to Laura (ma friendy) "IT'S LIKE AN ENDLESS BUFFET!!" There was one lady hacking away like crazy with a stapler putting up posters too. Well I took a few crappy photos on my cellphone but I really want to go back there with a real camera soon ...found some kinda simular-y examples online though... well gots to go do some homework. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dia de lo skeletor necklace

So last night when I was supposed to be asleep I finished up my skeleton necklace which I think turned out really cool. It's made on clear shrinky dink so I think it would be pretty sweet with a white shirt but I tried it out with gray today. I'm going to be opening an etsy store as soon as I have a few other pieces made. I also have an opaque one I'm making that just needs some finishing up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First post!!

HELLO! I having been meaning to start this blog for so long and now I finally am! SO I thought I should start with something I like and kinda relates to art, fashion, and all that good stuff... MOLESKINES! (which I called mole-skins for my whole life until a while ago.) They are doing this thing called Detour. Its like a traveling exhibition that is going around the world, along with myDetour where artists, poets, photographers, painters etc. can submit their moleskines into drop boxes, 5 winners will be chosen from 5 cities... their are some great prizes etc. etc. which you can read about on the website (it is a bit confusing.) But after scavenging around I finally found out you can NOT submit by mail *sniff sniff* and there are no drop boxes in Seattle but all you lucky people who live in San Diego or any of those other great cities enter a notebook for me! Heres a link to a video clip of one of the totally beautiful notebooks. Well, thats all for today, is there anyone out there reading this? eh?