Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Waltz for One.

Halloween is just around the corner and I am freaking out! I usually know what my costume will be by late September but this year is a little rushed, I was going between Ash from pokemon, Rosie the Riveter and a sock monkey. But because my sewing machine is gone (boohoo) I am going to be the Rosie, (the We Can Do It lady.) Found this adorable but sad video today too...  

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Haha! I found this video earlier, it is of that moleskine detour thing I was talking about earlier, I have no idea what she is saying but her hair is so adorable and that little boxing toy thing is so weird and cute.

This is, this is, this is bass and drum

Sorry I haven't written in a while (if anyone ever even reads this) , lots of homework and I've been trying to get my skeleton neckless sold in a local toy store for halloween! Yesterday was homecoming which turned out to be kinda a bummer (reaallly bad music and er... awkward dancing...) But today I'm happy at home chilling, and I am going to see Where the Wild Things Are!! Yay!! I made two full necklaces and some charms today. Here are some pretty bad photos of the necklaces and I also scanned them so I'll put that up a little later.

If you can't really see too well one is a guitar/bassist and the other is a girl holding drumsticks, again, sorry for the crummy pictures.

Well off to finish off some homework before the movie, happy weekend!!